
We ship orders using a several major carriers: FedEx, UPS,and USPS. We try to use the carrier that will get your order to you the quickest and most economically.

All orders are subject to processing time that is separate and apart from the time it takes for a shipment to reach its destination from our warehouse. Depending on a number of factors, standard domestic and international orders may take up to 3 business days before it ships (weekends, holidays, pandemic, etc).

All packages are sent in plain, non-descript packages with no indication of the contents.

We try to ship all orders placed by 11:00AM Eastern time the same day*. Orders placed after this time will be processed and shipped the following business day. Please be aware, we are closed on weekends, and holidays, so any orders received after 11AM Eastern time on Friday, or any time Saturday or Sunday, will not be processed until the following Monday.

Although we try out best to keep the website up to date, if an item is out of stock when an order is processed, a notification email will be sent regarding the status of the backorder and the approximate timeframe in which the item will be shipped. If we do not have an expected date of shipment, or when we will receive new inventory, we may, at our discretion refund your order. is unable to guarantee transit times for shipments as unexpected delays may occur that are outside of our control. In general, items shipped with standard shipping can be expected to arrive in 3-4 days, with California taking 3-7 days depending which of our warehouses orders are shipped from.

Regarding Shipments to PO boxes or Military APO/FPO addresses
YES. We DO ship to both PO Boxes and Military APO/FPO addresses. APO/FPO addresses my require additional time delivery. We cannot expedite orders to APO/FPO addresses.

Regarding Out Of Stock Items
If your order includes multiple items and one (or more) of the items are out of stock: we will use our descretion as to shipping the rest of your order, issuing a refund to your original form of payment for the item(s) not in stock, or refunding your entire order.

The following is a breakdown of domestic shipping and handling charges.
(US Shipping is flatrate)

Product Total Shipping Cost
Under $50 $8.50
$50 - Under $100 $8.50
$100+ $8.50
(Orders receive code for a discount off your next order, which, given our average order size, covers the shipping cost)


Expedited Shipping is available.

Due to the varying weight, method of shipment, destination.. and other factors, our checkout does not have expedited shipping calculation enabled.

We will try to accomodate special requests, depending on time and customer expectations. Please email us before, or as soon as. you place your order. We will reply with an approximate quote. Which is our best estimate. Once you approve the approximate price, we will process your order. If the exact amount is different, we will credit/charge you the difference.
Timing is everything, if you take too long to respond, we may not be able to process your order the same day, which just delays the delivery date.

    Things to consider.
  • Speed is money, and expedited shipping can get expensive.
  • The size, weight and destination of the item affect the cost.
  • Shipping speeds are based on carrier transit times and do not include the time it takes to handle and pack a shipment
  • The quicker you want it, the more UPS/FedEX charges - overnight can often cost in excess of $80
  • Depending on the time of day you place your order, it may be the next day before we can actually ship your order. We are on East Coast Time. (The current time: 4:00:17AM)
  • UPS and FedEX Next Day and Second Day are based on BUSINESS DAYS;Monday-Friday (The day it ships, and weekends do not count)
  • USPS ExpressMail may be less expensive but is often not guaranteed.
  • Overnight/Next Day delivery requested on a Friday afternoon DOES NOT MEAN SATURDAY DELIVERY. It means MONDAY if shipped on Friday.
  • Once an order is expedited and in the system, it cannot be cancelled. Chasing it down in the warehouse is not feasible.
  • Shipping is non-refundable.
  • If an expedited order does not arrive when expected, even though it shipped when expected, any refunds are dependant on the shipper.
  • If you have any questions, please email us.

*Mondays are extremely busy do to catching up from being closed on the weekend. We cannot guarantee orders placed Monday will ship the same day.

Adult Novelty products are intended for use by ADULTS!. If you are under 18, and have arrived at this website, we ask you to please find more appropriate material to view.